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Dog Sledding In Sweden

Dog Sledding In Sweden

  • Thursday 02 June 2011

Frozen in Jamtland`s winter wonderland, the fir forests, ice lakes and gentle mountains around Klocka make it a little known nirvana for dog sledding. With the chilly temperatures and vigorous activity that come as standard with this amazing activity, it is only fair to treat your tired body to a traditional Swedish sauna and an icy plunge in the plunge pool at the end of the day. Dog sledding is massive fun and be warned the mere sniff of a sled outing is enough to send these beautiful, intelligent and characterful dogs howling a jumping around ready to go. It is impossible not to admire and be won over by the enthusiasm, strength and good nature of these Huskies. The problem is not teaching these dogs how to pull, its how to teach them to stop. As you wind your way through forests in the winter sun, which never rises very high above the horizon, you will feel the power and exhilaration of being pulled across the snow by your trusty dogs. Temperatures are regularly below freezing so wrap tight. The scenery around here is breath taking and distant mountains like Sylarna and Bunnerfjallen plunge into lightly fir forested vallies. The dogs love running here and even before the last crumbs of fire toasted sandwich have been devoured, their tails start to wag in anticipation as they stretch their powerful legs. As you return home in the fading afternoon sun, it seems like the pack is at last tuned into the thoughts of just about any novice musher. Only the lure of a relaxing hot sauna can inspire such breakneck speed on the journey home. • Klockas dog sledding season runs from Dec – late April depending on conditions


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