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A Good New York Experience

A Good New York Experience

  • Wednesday 10 June 2015

Now you mightn't expect this in New York.

NEW YORK CITY - SEP 5: Times Square, featured with Broadway Thea

I hailed a yellow Cab to take us to a restaurant, sitting in the front seat I accidently hit my leg against the credit card unit and, undetected, my mobile phone slipped out of my pocket. I discovered an hour later that it was lost and by deduction thought that I must have lost it either in, or getting out of the Yellow Cab and I said good bye to my phone. Back in the apartment I took a chance and googled “ Yellow Cabs lost and found ". I trawled through the site and found a report form which I filled in and sent back on line with my sons mobile number included. Less than 12 hours later he received a call to say that the phone had been handed in and that it would be delivered to his apartment. Within 24 hrs my phone was delivered - by the same taxi driver – to my son’s apartment. Now you mightn’t expect that from a Yellow Cab in New York. My faith in New York taxi drivers has been restored. Michael Doorley


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